Strategic direction

The State Planning Commission aims to ensure that a high benchmark in both public integrity and contemporary land use planning in South Australia is achieved as a result of the new Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.

In light of this, the Commission has established its strategic governance framework and operating procedures to enable it to administer its duties and responsibilities under the PDI Act, including:

  • establishment of the Commission’s Charter, operating procedures and delegations
  • establishment of the Commission’s assessment sub-committee and sub-committee structure
  • adoption of a code of conduct
  • publication of an annual report
  • publication of its strategic plan.

Much of the work undertaken by the Commission will be guided by the ‘principles of good planning’ outlined in the new legislation. Under these principles, the Commission’s work will:

  • have a long-term focus
  • be innovative and able to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities
  • encourage the renewal of existing suburbs to reduce our urban footprint
  • support high quality design which is accessible to people with differing needs and capabilities
  • promote the use of walking and cycling trails
  • support the liveability of suburbs through increased vegetation and more open space
  • facilitate investment in the development industry
  • promote the development of public transport of all types near suburbs, shopping and service areas and workplaces
  • promote cooperation and integration between and among state government agencies and local government.

To achieve this, the Commission will help the Minister and the Department to create a planning system that:

  • is easily understood and consistent
  • enables people to digitally access planning information and undertake processes and transactions
  • promotes certainty for those proposing to undertake development
  • provides scope for innovation
  • promotes safe and efficient construction practices
  • provides financial schemes that support development and that can be used to capitalise on investment opportunities
  • promotes cooperation and integration between and among state government agencies and local government.


The State Planning Commission Annual Report is presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and also the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.


South Australia is on the cusp of great change, and preparing and planning for this change is one of the key priorities  for the State Planning Commission.

We’re conscious of our role in ensuring we have a planning system that balances its part in driving our state’s economy by encouraging investment and stimulating infrastructure and jobs, with making certain this growth in urban and regional communities is sustainable.

These core strategic initiatives are outlined in the Commission’s Strategic Plan 2023-24 and Key Priorities brochure.


The Minister has adopted a code of conduct to be observed by members of the State Planning Commission. The code of conduct sets out standards of conduct and professionalism that are to be observed by all members of the State Planning Commission.

Regulation 9 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017 prescribes the process to be followed if a person believes that a member of the Commission has acted in contravention of the code of conduct.

To guide the State Planning Commission’s operations, a full suite of policies and procedures, meeting arrangements (including agendas and minutes), operating and complaint handling procedures are publicly available via the Commission’s Governance Manual.
