Implementation of new planning system announced

Published Wednesday, 21 November 2018

The implementation of South Australia’s new planning system has taken a significant leap forward with the State Planning Commission’s announcement about the phased delivery of the Planning and Design Code (the Code) across the state.

The new planning system will be delivered in three phases:

The first phase, being delivered in mid-2019, will see the introduction in parts of the state managed by the government (Land not within a council area) and will not bring about significant change for local communities.

The second phase will see the Code commence in Regional Council areas in late-2019.

The final phase in mid-2020 will see Greater Adelaide council areas start using the Code, at which point the whole of South Australia will be enjoying the benefits of a simplified online system for all planning and development matters.

The current system requires applicants to search through complex development plans, and seek professional advice to lodge a development proposal. The new system will remove that onus and empower South Australians to drive their own developments.

The introduction of a state-wide Planning and Design Code will also see current Development Plans revoked. DPTI will work with councils over the coming months to convert current Development Plans to the Code, which will be released for public comment on three separate occasions, from early 2019.

For more information about the rollout of the new Planning and Design Code read the State Planning Commission media release (PDF, 310 KB) and the implementation program on the SA Planning Portal.

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